Up and at them....

I know right, another blogger. I promise that this blog will be different.  <what makes you think you are different than other bloggers out there?> Well for instance, the little voice inside my head is way different than other bloggers.  Trust me.  So a little about me.  "I started from the bottom and now I'm here" - Drake said it best.  We all were there once or you are there right now. Yes you the one reading this because my blog connected to you either as a Dad/Mom, new to triathlon or a current serving Military Member who wants another medal which documents your hard work into something plausible.  I have a very supported wife/spouse who has been the main reason that I am even at this juncture. Thanks babe.  So get one of those. Someone who will support you through your triumphs and your failures and someone who will grow with you as you improve on your shortfalls. We have a young family and that meant the motorcycle had to go.  When it went, we bought a camper and I bought a new-to-me Specialized Allez road bike.  At that instant, riding a bike and getting a rush of endorphins that you had when you first learned to ride all came back but at 28 years old.  I started riding my bike to work and then the competitive side of me tracked the time it took to get to and from work.  I started to get really serious when it took me the same time to drive my car as it did my bike.  From there I decided it was time to try a triathlon.  Luckily, we lived in a city that is slightly Triathlon crazy (Kingston, ON) and I was hooked.  Being in the military it is expected that you always maintain fitness.  What does that mean you ask.  Well there is functional movements that everyone does in their occupations.  For us, you need to be able to run, walk far distances loaded with equipment, maintain hydration and ramp up your training in case of all out war fighting (or A race)  Sounds like triathlon doesn't it.  Hence my drive for this blog.  I have a few mini goals of mine as well. I want to be a brand ambassador. Not just any brand ambassador but because the world is flooded with companies who provide triathlon equipment for lots of money, I want to represent the brands that produce high quality equipment for the cost.  I know they exist and I want to be the guy that can stand behind the product he is saying really works (not because they gave me a discount on gear to say so).  My other mini goal is to make someone else's goal come true.  Now being that I am in the military and have deployed, I want to target military veteran's who lost something.  That could be physically or mentally and they have a dream to complete a triathlon one day.  I am hoping that CAF or Wounded Warrior association would ask me to accompany a veteran to fulfill their dreams and I would love to be there and support the athlete.  If you read this far then there is a chance that you are perplexed.  These veteran's have had to come so far.  They have finished all the training and education to fulfill the duties required of their trade.  They train and perform regardless that one day they may have PTSD/OSI or the loss of limb(s) and not be able to continue in their career because of the severity of the injury.  One cannot fathom the empathy required to overcome such a defeat.  They battle through physio and occupational therapy to complete the basic things we usually take for granted. This could take years, painful phantom pain, it's a lot.  So I want to help motivate and strengthen focus on a unique goal that they can and I can be proud of.  Well this could be my profile post but also stay tuned for whatever else I want to blog about.  I am going to take my girls for a run and head to the park.


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